1. historic (Adj)/hɪˈstɔːrɪk/ renowned or important in history.
Eg: They visited some historic ruins in Mexico.
2. scenic (Adj)/ˈsiːnɪk/ providing or relating to views of impressive or beautiful natural scenery.Eg: We took a scenic drive along a coastal road.
3. exceptional (Adj)/ɪkˈsɛpʃənl/ extraordinarily good; better than expected.Eg: Our team has exceptional taste in fashion.
4. relish (v)/ˈrelɪʃ/ to enjoy greatlyEg:Everyone in the audience relished the last few minutes of the match.
5. summit (n)/ˈsəmɪt/ the highest part of a mountain; peak.Eg:The summit of the mountain is covered with snow.
6. awe-inspiring (Adj)/ɔː ɪnˈspaɪəɪŋ/ impressive; causing fearful respect.Eg: Europe has some of the most awe-inspiring cathedrals in the world.
7. depict (v)/dɪˈpɪkt/ to show or represent by drawing, painting, or other forms of art.Eg: Postage stamps often depict national monuments.
8. unparalleled (Adj)/ənˈpærəˌlɛld/ exceptional; having no equalEg:The vocal technique is unparalleled.
Mount FujiMount Fuji is not only the highest mountain in Japan, but undoubtedly the most famous one as well. It is said to be a special historic site of unparalleled scenic beauty. Mount Fuji was added to the World Heritage List on June 22nd, 2013.
Mount Fuji’s exceptional symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan. Thousands of enthusiastic mountain climbers attempt to reach the peak of Mount Fuji every year, not only to satisfy their need for adrenaline and adventure, but also to relish the panoramic views. Climbing the mountain overnight in order to reach the summit in time to watch the sunrise is another awe-inspiring experience that more and more people set out for each year.
The beauty of the mountain is a source of inspiration to poets and artists; it is frequently depicted in many works of art.
- Where is Mount Fuji located?
- When was the mountain added to the World Heritage List?
- Why do so many people decide to climb the mountain?
- Have you ever seen Mount Fuji?
- Would you be interested in climbing Mount Fuji? Why? Why not?
- Do you enjoy hiking? Why? Why not?
- Do you enjoy spending time outdoors? Why? Why not?
- Why do you think many artists find inspiration in nature?
- What is the most beautiful natural place that you have been to? Try to describe it.
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