1. Using office equipment
- What equipment do you usually use in the office?
- Are you required to use equipment that is shared by the office?
- Do you have a personal space like a cubicle or an office?
- Do you know what’s wrong with the printer?
- When is the scanner being repaired?
- Do you mind lending me your scissor?
- The copy machine is jammed again, do you know how to fix it?
- My computer isn’t connecting to the WiFi, can you get IT to come and have a look at it?
- We need to order more paper for the copy machine.
- My monitor is getting too old to use. It’s a little blurry, and it gives me headaches when I look at it for a long duration. Could I put in a request for a new monitor?
- My computer is too slow and it’s slowing down my productivity. If I get a better computer, it could help increase the amount of work I’m able to get done
The world is becoming more and more reliable on technology and the workplace is no different. Most places these days require you to use a computer and be familiar with some basic technology. Here are a few examples of what you may need to know about:
Removable disk / flash drive - This device allows you to easily store and share important files.
Hard drive - A hard drive is used for data storage which is similar to a flash drive. However, a hard drive is usually hardware found within a computer or laptop. It has a much bigger storage capacity than a flash drive but it is not portable like a flash drive.
External hard drive - A portable version of a hard drive. The physical size is usually much bigger than a flash drive and the storage capacity is not as big as a normal hard drive but is a good piece of hardware to get if you want to expand your storage capacity without upgrading your whole computer.
Network - a set of computers connected together for the purpose of sharing resources. In a business resources need to be shared amongst many people and sometimes more than one person will need access to a file at the same time. A computer network will have a main computer which contains all the important documents. The Network share location on your computer will allow you to access these public files.
Do you know the difference between hardware and software?
4. Company policies
Every company has rules set out for their employees regarding, animals, dress code, break time, etc. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the policies and guidelines set out by your company.
- Are you allowed to have pets at your office?
- What are the company policies regarding dress code?
- How long are your breaks and how many do you have in one day?
- Do you think it is important for a company to have clear policies put in place for their employees?
- Do you think your current company has any unnecessary policies in place? If yes, what makes these policies unnecessary?
It will be common for people to ask you for things at work, especially if you work in a team together. You could also find yourself in a situation where somebody needs something from you. Here we’ll have a look at a few sentences relating to this:
- Can you tell me where to find file ABC, please?
- Is anybody using the ABC file right now?
- Are you done with this report?
- Do you have another network cable? Mine is too short.
- Any chance I could borrow your staple remover?
Many people often get confused about when to use “borrow” and lend”. Borrow means to take something from somebody, with the intention of returning it to them. Lend means to give something to somebody expecting them to return it to you. Examples, “May I borrow your pencil, please?”, “Here, I’ll lend you my pencil for now.”

Dialogue 1:
A: “I can’t get the printer to work.”
B: “Did you check to see if it has any paper?”
A: “Yeah I have, that’s the first thing I checked.”
B: “I don’t know what the issue is then. You might have to call a technician.”
A: “A technician? Shouldn’t the company be getting one instead of me?”
B: “I don’t mean you personally. Just let the secretary know, she should take care of it.”
A: “Oh okay, I’ll go ahead and do that. Is there another printer that I can use though?”
B: “Yes there is, it’s down the hall next to the supply room.”
A; “Oh right, thanks for your help.”
Dialogue 2:
A: “Do you have a lot work left to do?”
B: “Yeah, I’m pretty busy. Why, what’s up?”
A: “I was hoping for some help on documenting this process.”
B: “Does this have to be done right now?”
A: “The manager wants it by Friday.”
B: “I’ll try to free up my schedule. Remind me again tomorrow morning or I’ll definitely forget about this.”
A: “I’m guessing you need to read the documents first. Since you're busy, I’ll just email it to you now and you can have a look at it when you get the chance.”
B: “If you’re going to do that, then email me a reminder before five because I have to leave.”
A: “No problem, I really appreciate the help!”
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