"Teenage relations" typically refers to the romantic or social relationships that teenagers have with each other during their adolescence. These relationships can range from friendships to dating and often involve a lot of learning and exploration as teenagers navigate their emotions and identities.

Teenagers may form relationships through school, extracurricular activities, social media, or other avenues. They may also experience challenges such as peer pressure, conflicts with friends, and the stresses of balancing social life with other responsibilities like schoolwork and family obligations.

It's important for teenagers to learn healthy relationship skills, such as effective communication, respect for boundaries, and consent. Teenagers should also be aware of the risks and consequences of unhealthy relationships, such as emotional abuse, physical violence, and sexual assault. It's important for teenagers to seek support from trusted adults, such as parents, teachers, or counselors, if they experience any difficulties in their relationships.


1. Do you think teenagers today have it "too easy'?

2. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Why or why not?

3. Would you rather be a child, teenager or an adult? Why? 

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