• Do you often smoke?
• Are you allergic to smoking?
1. Personal issues : Vấn đề cá nhân
2. Harm : Gây hại
3. Horrible : Kinh khủng, khủng khiếp
4. Show off: Thể hiện, khoa trương
5. Heart disease : Bệnh tim mạch
6. Cancer : Ung thư

One of the most common problems today that are killing people, all over the world, is smoking. Many people start this horrible habit because of stress, personal issues. Some people began showing off or some people want to enjoy it . One cigarette can result in smoking others, which can lead to major addiction. When someone smokes a cigarette they do not only harm themselves, but others around them as well.
Smoking does many horrible things to the human body that most people are not aware of. Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more. Yet, why people are still smoking? The answer is obvious, addiction. Smoking habit is very hard get rid of because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive.
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